PEACHTREE -- Purchase/Receive Inventory

Purchase/Receive Inventory
First of all go to task menu bar and click on “purchase / receive inventory”.

The below window will appear as we select purchase/receive inventory:

The above window contains two tabs. First is “apply to purchases” tab. In this tab includes the following:
Quantity: (The total quantity received will be entered.) 
Item: (The ID of receiving inventory will be entered.)
Description: (After entering the ID here the name of inventory will displayed.)   
GL Account: (The GL account of raw mwterial inventory will be displayed.)
Unit price: (The unit price of that perticuler inventory will be entered. )
Amount: (The total amount of inventory received will be displayed here.)

The second tab is “apply to purchase order number”. In this tab includes the following:
Item: (The total number of inventory item receiving will be entered)
Remaing: (The remaining amount of goods will be displayed.)
Received: (The total number of goods received will be entered here.)
Description: (The name of inventory item will automatically be dispalyed.)
GL Account: (Here the GL account ID for raw material inventory will be selected.)
Unit price: (The unit cost of that perticuler inventory item will be entered here.)
Amount: (The total amount of that product will be displayed here.)      

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