PEACHTREE -- Credit Memos

Credit Memos
Credit memo is used when goods are returned back by the customers to us.
For ‘Credit Memos’ we click on task at menu bar and click ‘Credit Memos’.

As we select ‘Credit Memos’ option the following window will appear:

The above window includes following two tabs:
1.       Apply to invoices
2.       Apply to sales

For the tab of “Apply to Invoices”:
Ø First we select customer id who are returning goods to us. Then tab auto shifts from ‘Apply to Sales’ to ‘Apply to invoices’.
Ø Now we select an invoice number against which we are receiving goods from customer.
Ø Select date on which customer is returning goods. 
Ø Enter credit number.
Ø Enter number or quantity of returned goods.

After entering all information we click “SAVE” button

For the tab of “Apply to Sales”:
Ø We select customer id.
Ø Then the tab shifts but we have to click on apply to sales tab.
Ø Enter information about goods that are being returned by customer as these returned goods were sold to the customer directly not on invoice.

When we are done with the data we click “SAVE” button.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this tutorial. I am sure me and others who are regulars here find your efforts great. I am able to use Peach Tree because of you!
